Best Industry Partner Internal Brand Campaign

2023 SAM Awards | Greater Ottawa Home Builders' Association


This award recognizes the Industry Partner that has executed the most effective internal brand campaign to engage and motivate their employees. Please provide data regarding your campaign's overall success and what was the ROI that you received from this digital campaign. This can include campaigns like creative sales incentive plansuser generated content initiatives or internal brand ambassador campaigns.

Entry will be judged on cohesiveness, message clarity, appeal to target market, creativity, design, and impact (effectiveness/performance and analytics when available). Includes any form of marketing to your target audience, which may include e-blast, print media, digital marketing, social media, radio ads etc.

Entry Requirements

  • Entrants must have run an internal brand campaign that demonstrates creativity, innovation, and measurable results in employee engagement and satisfaction.
  • Statement (point form, max 400 words) detailing how the category criterion has been met. Please identify the time frame in which the social media ad took place.
  • Please indicate co-submitters
  • PDF or JPG of the social media ad
  • Screen shot of social media ad displayed on website(optional)
Criterion Weight
Campaign strategy and objectives 25.0%
Creativity and innovation 25.0%
Use of internal communication channels and tactics 25.0%
Effectiveness and measurable results 25.0%